The Malta Independent 26 June 2024, Wednesday
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Justice Minister says Repubblika’s letter to EU Court was ‘misguided and convoluted’

Justice Minister Jonathan Attard has published a letter he sent to the EU Court’s registrar in reply to Repubblika’s letter to the same Court, saying that the NGO's letter to demand that...

TMI website spoofed

The Malta Independent website has been a victim of spoofing. Over the past hours this media house has received information about a story which is appearing under The Malta Independent...

Updated: Mark Mallia appointed head of secretariat at OPM after Glenn Micallef's resignation

Mark Mallia has been appointed head of secretariat at the Office of the Prime Minister, the government announced Wednesday. Mallia is a graduate in law and business management at the University...

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WikiLeaks’ Assange pleads guilty to publishing US military secrets in deal that secures his freedom

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange pleaded guilty to obtaining and publishing U.S. military secrets Wednesday in a deal with Justice Department prosecutors that secures his liberty...

TMID Editorial: The government needs to conclude the MCAST negotiations

The chaos being caused at MCAST is a problem that the government needs to solve, and fast. It is absolutely true that the students are the ones bearing the brunt of the directives issued by the...


Russian government restricts access to four Maltese news sites from its territory

The Russian government has introduced restrictions for its residents when it comes to accessing 81 news websites across the European Union, including four which are in Malta. Russia's Foreign...
