The Malta Independent 12 June 2024, Wednesday
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Evarist Bartolo questions how Prime Minister will take difficult decisions when he is much weaker

Former minister Evarist Bartolo has asked how Prime Minister Robert Abela take difficult decisions when he is much weaker now than when he won the 2022 general election. The results of the MEP...

Europe’s far right won ground in the EU elections. Can they unite to wield power?

 The next European Parliament will have more hard-right members than ever before, occupying close to a quarter of the 720 seats. But they will have to overcome differences if they want...

Rule of law a priority - von Der Leyen to Casa

During the first meeting of the EPP Group in the European Parliament, the EPP candidate for the Commission Presidency Ursula von der Leyen assured that among the priorities for the next five years...

Daniel Micallef resigns as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party

Daniel Micallef has resigned from his position as Deputy Leader of the Labour Party. Writing on Facebook, Micallef said that he told his friends he will continue working duringthe period of...

recent poll

TMID Editorial: The Inclusion Minister who excludes

She will not resign. It’s pointless calling for the resignation of the Inclusion Minister whose words last week were totally against the principle of inclusion she should be pushing forward...

Robert Abela has ‘learned nothing’ as he blames civil servants for Labour defeat – PN

The Nationalist Party has said that Prime Minister Robert Abela “seems to have learned nothing from the clear message sent by the electorate this past Saturday” after blaming the Labour...


Plastic bottles collected by WasteServ in 2023 compared to 2022 decreased by half - Minister

Plastic bottles collected by WasteServ in 2023 decreased by 51% when compared to 2022, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli on Tuesday, as she praised the Beverage Container Refund Scheme as the cause for...

Women candidates at the EP elections: Metsola dominates, the rest lag sorely behind

Sunday’s counting day saw the Nationalist Party’s lead candidate Roberta Metsola smash the previous record for the highest votes ever received by a woman during a European Parliament...

The far right made big gains in European elections. What's next, and why does it matter?

For decades, the European Union — which has its roots in the defeat of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy — confined the nationalist far right to the political fringes. With...
